Chihuahua Comics 2010

Sometimes I like to draw little comics about my life!  Here you'll find the ones from the year 2010.  I hope they bring a smile to your face!  Or a courtesy chuckle at the very least.

"You Get Cat Piss, I Get California" 12/31/10
There's really cat pee on this comic.  Gross, huh?

"For Sale" 12/5/10
"Jack Frost" 12/1/10
"Gluttony... An American Tradition" 11/25/10
"Harry Knows Just What to Say" 11/13/10
"Eleven-year-old Wizards are Stupid..." 11/12/10
"Save the Day" 11/7/10
"Politicians Are Scary..." 10/31/10
"Yes, Chris, You Do Get Around" 10/11/10
"Sun Allergies" 10/5/10
"Anonymous and Inappropriate" 10/1/10
"Movie Theaters are Freezing!" 9/30/10
"Denim Doesn't Affect Menstruation..." 9/29/10
"Achoo!" 9/20/10
"Veronica Wants Head" 9/18/10
"Labor Day Pains... Gimme the Epidural!"  9/6/10
"BBW had the Best Aprons" 8/29/10
"Bearificus Totalus" 8/26/10
"Comcast Creates Conversation" 8/22/10
"Abs? I Was Admiring That Killer Chest..." 6/29/10
"Brian Can Out-Poach Anyone" 6/28/10
"Wait, We Have a Gay Agenda?" 6/27/10
"She's With Her Own Kind Now..." 6/25/10
"Juvenile Delinquents Should Learn to Spell" 6/24/10
"Can You Guess Which School is Going to Heaven?" 6/23/10
"At Least We Had Show Tunes to Keep Us Company" 6/22/10
"What's Wrong With Extermination?" 6/21/10
"Amazing What Can Be Bought and Sold on E-Bay..." 5/11/10
"Our Fridge is a Fungus-Friendly Environment" 5/10/10
"Our 50th Comic!" 5/8/10
"The Newest Member of the Blue Man Group" 5/7/10
"Horrible Pretend Listener" 5/6/10
"Two Very Different Burritos" 5/5/10
"BANANA!" 5/4/10
"Pretty Much the Gayest Toy Ever" 5/3/10
"Texting..." 5/2/10
"We Favor Koreans..." 5/1/10
"I Felt a Burning in my Wallet and I Knew it was True..." 4/30/10
"Why Are Girls' Clothes So Delicate?" 4/29/10
"Check It Out In All It's Glory!" 4/28/10
"Tribute to the California Raisins" 4/27/10
"Brian NEVER Cuts His Nails... Freddy Krueger Wannabe..." 4/26/10
"Go Green!" 4/25/10
"Science is Scary in Salt Lake City" 4/23/10
"Poor, Sad Little Earth :(" 4/22/10
"I'm Sorry, Are My Legs Blinding You?" 4/21/10
"You'll Never Guess What's in the Box" 4/20/10
"Yoga" 4/19/10
"Short Pencils are Hard to Hold" 4/18/10
"Killer Chapped Lips" 4/17/10
"Futon! Futon! Futon!" 4/16/10
"Hi, Welcome to... Home Depot?" 4/15/10
"Your Mouth Gets Sticky So Wash It Down With Coke..." 4/14/10
"My Name is Jack, and I'm a Gleek..." 4/13/10
"Veronica's Secret" 4/12/10
"Open Happiness... In My Pants!" 4/11/10
"Brian's Miley Cyrus = Platypus Theory" 4/10/10
"You'd Think This Wasn't My Kitchen..." 4/9/10
"I Think Brian Likes Getting Pulled Over... (continued)" 4/8/10
"Sometimes Brian's a Little Anal, And I'm a Little Lazy" 4/7/10
"Thank God I Didn't Have to Learn This From Professor Snape..." 4/6/10
"The Onion's Revenge" 4/5/10
"Easter Bunny, You Rascal!" 4/4/10
"Happy Meals and Cartoons Inspire Me" 4/3/10
"I Think Brian Likes Getting Pulled Over..." 4/2/10
"I Wish I Wasn't a Muggle..." 4/1/10
"Brian's Indoor/Outdoor Hair" 3/30/10
"Mesun's Indoor/Outdoor Hair" 3/29/10
"Jack's Indoor/Outdoor Hair" 3/28/10
"10 Reasons to Obsess Over 'Veronica and Friends' #1: Nudity" 3/26/10
"10 Reasons to Obsess Over 'Veronica and Friends' #2: Cute, Furry Animals" 3/25/10
"10 Reasons to Obsess Over 'Veronica and Friends' #3: Gourmet Cooking" 3/24/10
"10 Reasons to Obsess Over 'Veronica and Friends' #4: Movies" 3/23/10
"10 Reasons to Obsess Over 'Veronica and Friends' #5: High Fashion" 3/22/10
"10 Reasons to Obsess Over 'Veronica and Friends' #6: Workplace Drama" 3/21/10
"10 Reasons to Obsess Over 'Veronica and Friends' #7: Health Tips" 3/20/10
"10 Reasons to Obsess Over 'Veronica and Friends' #8: Show-Stopping Musical Numbers" 3/19/10
"10 Reasons to Obsess Over 'Veronica and Friends' #9: City Living" 3/18/10
"10 Reasons to Obsess Over 'Veronica and Friends' #10: Wizarding Magic" 3/17/10

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