
Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Events Leading Up to Mom's Visit

My stepsister Joyce and her wife Brandi had an appointment for tattoo removal in Salt Lake City on Wednesday the 18th, and they wanted to know if Brian and I would be able to meet them up there for dinner afterwards.  That sounded like a great idea so I made sure to get the day off.  That was about a month ago.  A couple of weeks ago I found out that my mom had decided to drive down with them and I was thrilled.  I hadn't seen my mother since Christmas.

Then I found out that they were driving down here on Tuesday the 17th and the plan was now to have dinner Tuesday night and not Wednesday night.  Luckily I worked an opening shift on Tuesday so dinner would still work.  My mom decided to make the most of her trip so she invited her brother Greg and his family (the same family that rescued me from my walk on Saturday) to come to dinner too.  She was craving Mexican food, so I suggested Mi Ranchito, mostly because it's close to my house.

The weekend before my mother's visit I decided that I wanted bedroom furniture before she got there.  I wanted our apartment to look its best for her.  So I bought a really nice bedroom set from RC Willey Outlet for a great price, but the soonest it could be delivered was Tuesday, the very same day of my mom's arrival.  I knew it was cutting it pretty close, but I figured it would be okay.  If Brian had to work, Michelle volunteered to wait for the delivery men.  I even asked to leave work a few hours early to have time to arrange the new bedroom and clean the house.  I thought I had all my bases covered.

Monday night we discovered that Brian didn't have to work, so he could be home for the delivery men.  That night we also went online to discover our delivery window and it was anywhere between 1:45 and 4:45.  I was getting off work at 2:30 so maybe there was a possibility that I would be home when the delivery men got there too.

Well, Tuesday morning I went to work and at about 12:15 I noticed I had a missed call from an unknown number.  The voicemail revealed that it was the delivery men telling me they would probably be there in an hour.  So I sent a text to Brian telling him so.  And just as I was doing this, I got another call from them so I answered this time.  They were telling me that they would actually be there in about ten minutes... an hour and a half earlier than anyone expected them.  I sent Brian another text saying, "Never mind, they'll be there NOW."

I soon got another call from the delivery men and they said they rang the doorbell but nobody was home.  I tried calling Brian, but he wasn't answering his phone or responding to text messages.  The delivery men said they could do one other stop and then return to us.  I said that would be great.  Unable to get ahold of Brian, I decided a backup plan would be best, so I asked Michelle if she could drive to my work to get my house key from me so she could let the men in if Brian didn't get there in time.

She agreed, but a few minutes later I got a text saying Brian had been in the shower when they came.  I quickly sent a text to Michelle, who was already on her way, that she didn't need to get the key from me because Brian was home.  I got a call from the delivery men telling me they were done with their other job, and I told them to go on ahead to my house and somebody would let them in.

Brian then sent me a text saying he was at the grocery store but he had left the door unlocked.  Feeling unsafe about both an unlocked apartment door and strangers unsupervised in our home, I asked Michelle if she could head over there.  She was in line at Cafe Rio for some lunch, but she left hungry to do this favor for us.  Poor thing.  Apparently she, the delivery men and Brian all got there at about the same time.

Our furniture now delivered, both Brian and Michelle came to get me from work.  We stopped for some food at Sonic since we were all hungry, and that's when I found out that the delivery guys didn't attach our headboard to the base.  When I paid for delivery, I was told that they would set everything up for us, but the men claimed they didn't have the right screws for the job so they left that part undone.  I was a little annoyed by this.  I became more and more annoyed as Michelle and I ran off to various stores looking for the right screw for the job (Brian had stayed home to bake a pie).  We called RC Willey Outlet to see if they knew which screw we needed, and the guy who went to find out literally asked us, "Is a centimeter the same as an inch?"  For obvious reasons we were a bit skeptical when he told us 1/4 inch would do, so we also bought a few other sizes just in case.

By the time I got home with the screws, it was almost 5:00.  That's when my mom called to say she was in town.  So instead of welcoming her into my spotlessly clean home, I invited her into a crazy house where we were in the middle of cleaning, baking and putting together furniture.

Oh, and one more thing.  Joyce and Brandi, who had initiated this get-together in the first place, bailed at the last minute.  Can you believe it?  Anyway, details about dinner and the rest of my mom's visit to follow!

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