
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Arsenic, Old Lace and My Birthday

Although my big PB&J party was on Friday the 17th, my birthday was actually on Monday the 20th and the day was a pretty casual one.  Once Brian got home he took me to see the movie ParaNorman (which I loved by the way) and then we had dinner.  We ate at Gloria's Little Italy in downtown Provo.  Neither of us had ever been, and we enjoyed it.  I ordered Carbonara and it was scrumptious!  So rich and meaty!

On Tuesday, our married friends Stephen and Lexi took us out to dinner.  I was in the mood for some pizza, so I chose California Pizza Kitchen.  The four of us ordered three different pizzas and shared them.  We got the Spicy Chipotle Chicken, the California Club and the Roasted Artichoke & Spinach.  They were all very delicious!  If I had to choose a favorite, I'd probably choose the California Club, mostly because I'm obsessed with fresh avocado.  Mmm... avocado.  After dinner we all headed to Stephen and Lexi's house for some homemade M&M bars, ice cream and great conversation.  We talked for hours!

Birthday cards from family members trickled in throughout the week as well.  Some even had cash or gift cards in them, which is always nice!  This week has also been one of back-to-school clothes shopping.  So far I've treated myself to two new pairs of shoes, two new pairs of jeans, and a nice sweater.  I still want to get some new shirts and maybe a new coat for winter.  And since Brian is going to school this semester as well, we figured that sharing a laptop might be difficult.  The solution, of course, was to buy a second laptop.  Happy birthday to me!

The last of my birthday celebrations came yesterday, on Saturday.  Over a month ago my mother called to tell me that I needed to request the 25th off from work because I had a birthday surprise.  I didn't know what it was until I got my birthday card from her.  She had gotten me two tickets to see Arsenic and Old Lace at the Hale Center Theater in Orem.  Brian and I love theater and we hadn't been to a show in quite a while, so we were very excited!  Isn't my mom sweet or what?

So we picked up our tickets last night and enjoyed some good theater.  The Hale is a pretty small theater-in-the-round, meaning that there are seats on every side of the acting space, and it had a cozy atmosphere.  The performances, however, were larger than life and I was very impressed.  If you've never heard of the show, it's about a guy named Mortimer who gets engaged on the same night that his estranged murderer brother comes into town with his surgeon sidekick.  It's also the same night that he discovers his sweet little old aunts have been poisoning men and burying them in their cellar.  Throw in some bumbling cops and a brother who thinks he's Teddy Roosevelt and you've got yourself a hilariously macabre show!

Go see it!  It runs through September 22nd.

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