
Friday, May 25, 2012

Craft Time! Frames as Wall Art

I'm feeling crafty lately.  And not the devious, scheming kind of crafty... I mean the kind that makes crafts.  Not long ago I posted a project making storage boxes, and today I've got another little project.  This one is much easier.  All I needed were some frames which I bought really inexpensively at Deseret Industries (a thrift store).  Each frame cost a dollar or less.

Then I sanded them down a little and painted them a new color.  I used various shades of blue and a pop of red.  The acrylic craft paints I got from Hobby Lobby and they were about 60 cents a tube.

Once they were all painted to my liking, I used the sandpaper again to distress the frames a little bit.  I roughed up some corners and accentuated the ridges in the framework.

Then I hung them in a pattern on the wall of my bathroom!  Don't they look great?  Instant wall art!


  1. I do that with frames from DI all the time! Except, I put some photos in them to match the style of the frame... lots of vintage type photos in yellow frames and stuff. Its a lot of fun!

    Anyway, I think they look great on your wall! Really!

  2. I want to do something with vintage photos one of these days!

  3. Wow, very nice job! They look like pics from a magazine.
