
Sunday, August 7, 2011

25 Days of Jack: Day Twelve

Brian, Patrick, Courtney and I celebrated yesterday’s Day Eleven with dinner at Noodles & Co., ice cream from Farr’s and a movie.  We watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes and I liked it even more than I liked Cowboys and Aliens!  I’m excited for these really terrific movies, but not so excited for the fact that I now have two movie reviews to write…

Today was Day Twelve and Michelle came and treated me to a quick lunch during my break.  It was a very pleasant surprise in an otherwise uneventful work day.  We seem to be moving into the “slow season” now that all the summer blockbusters are done and everyone will soon be heading back to school.  Hardly anyone is coming to the theater!  Eight-hour shifts are hard to endure when each hour seems like two or three!

After work though, the family and I all headed to their Aunt Deb’s house for a birthday celebration for… A DOG!  Yep, I went to a dog’s birthday party today complete with party hats, a birthday cake and a large pile of presents.  Jenny’s dog Lou turned a year old—in human years—and we were all there to celebrate.  And so were many many dogs all barking and yelping and begging for our attention!

It’s been a great weekend, but unfortunately all good things must come to an end.  Brian’s cousin Patrick went home today and we will definitely miss him.  He’s a really nice guy and he even left us with a surprise gift—a book of American short stories!

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