
Saturday, August 6, 2011

25 Days of Jack: Day Eleven

So yesterday I was taken from my homeland and forced to be a slave to an Egyptian captain.  I really hated it, but he was really attractive so I started hating it less.  Against my better judgment I fell in love with him, even though he was engaged to the Egyptian princess.  I was sort of friends with the princess, which is kind of strange considering I was a slave...  She didn't know that I was snogging her betrothed behind her back, though.  I kept a lot of secrets, like the fact that I wasn't just an ordinary slave but actually Nubian royalty and then they captured my father and lots of crazy bad stuff happened and we sang a lot and there were backup dancers and at the end I was buried alive with my true love for the sake of peace and posterity!


What a busy day I had.  Or did I?  Was that me?  Couldn't have been me.  I've never even heard of Nubia.  Is that in Mississippi?  Wait!  I have heard of Nubia!  It's not in Mississippi... it's in Africa or something... near Egypt?  It's from the musical Aida!  Yes!  That's Aida's story!  It was being performed locally at the Scera Shell and I went to see it last night with Brian, his sister Jenny, his cousin Patrick, my friend Sydney, an old mission companion named John and his wife LoriAnn.  It was the first time John and his wife had ever met Brian, so it was a lot of fun.

Here are my thoughts on the show:
  • Some really great songs like "The Dance of the Robe", "Elaborate Lives", "The Gods Love Nubia", and "I Know the Truth"... but some of the others could go and die for all I care.  Anything Zoser sings really, like "Another Pyramid" or "Like Father Like Son."
  • This production had way too much dancing.  Most of it was unnecessary... and weird.  Why did they come up out of the floor like that?  Why were so many of the dancers out of shape and out of synch?
  • Latoya Rhodes who played Aida was fantastic!  I loved her voice and she seemed to be the most capable actress of the bunch; they did a great job casting her.
  • The writing is a bit cheesy and the music by Elton John and Tim Rice is distinctly 90's pop... which seems dated these days but oh well.
  • Latoya Rhodes was fantastic!
  • Oh, and Latoya Rhodes was fantastic!
Before the show Brian made a terrific meal for us all at the house.  We had chicken, macaroni and cheese and the best part of all was dessert:  a cheesecake with chocolate ganache!

Oh, and the only two to write me compliments were Rebecca and Michelle, so if they want more prizes I guess they can have them!  There will be no chance to win a prize today because I'm not in the mood!  Ha ha!

1 comment:

  1. For sure the random out of shape and out of sync dancers coming out of the floor was unnecessary...
