
Saturday, March 12, 2011

In Just One Week...

The anticipation is killing you isn't it?  Just one more week before the one-year anniversary of Joaquin the Chihuahua.  Can you handle just seven more days of waiting; curiosity tormenting you incessantly? 

A lot can happen in a week.  God created the world...

I'm sure you are wondering about the marvelous spectacles awaiting for you next Saturday.  Well, it's not quite the world... but it's close!  I've already mentioned the "One Year Anniversary Contest" but I didn't give too many details.  So what is it, you ask?  Just 10 questions to see who is the most devoted fan.  Those questions will be posted Saturday, March 19th at noon Pacific Time.  The first reader to email me the correct answers to will win the amazing prize!

So what's the prize?  I'll tell you!  The winner will be featured in their very own comic!  Yes!  The comic will of course be posted right here on the blog, but the winner will also receive the signed original to keep forever!  How cool is that?

1 comment:

  1. You should tell me the questions now so I can get a head start, please. I want to win!!!!!!!!!!!
