
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Blue House on the Corner

This, dear readers, will be our new home for the next phase of our lives.  (Photos taken from the KSL house listing.)
My strategy the last few days has been to stall.  While Brett was awaiting the word on whether he'd be Washington-bound or not, I didn't want the renting company to get worried that the four of us might not be as stable as we told them.  I also didn't want to lose the place to other renters, so I stalled with questions.

"Yes, we're still very interested, but what about this... or what about that...?"

The leasing agent originally offered us the place at a higher rent, so I tried my very best to negotiate.  Today she left me a voicemail while I was in class saying that the owners approved my final attempt at compromise: higher rent through the summer, back to the original in August if we prove to be good renters.  Perfect!  But I needed to stall again.

"Yes, we'd love to sign the lease, but I don't think the four of us can get together until the weekend..."

But less than an hour later, I got a text from Brett letting me know that he didn't get the Washington job and I immediately called the leasing agent up again and said, "Yes, we want it!  When can we sign?"

No more stalling.  No more waiting. The blue house on the corner is ours.  We sign the lease tomorrow and move in on the first!

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