
Saturday, November 9, 2013


I'm thankful for weddings.  My friend Krystal got married today to a wonderful man named Treven--a man I hope will take good care of her.  They've both been married before and they both have children, so this is a merging of two families.  I'm thankful for second chances in life.  I'm thankful for fresh starts.  And I'm thankful to share an anniversary with these two.  One year ago today Brian and I were married in New York City.  It was a wonderful experience and we couldn't be happier.  Our first year together has had its share of trials, but it has had more good days than bad.  I'm really thankful for the good days.  I'm thankful that laws are changing in this country to allow for my marriage.  I'm thankful for progress.  I'm thankful for love.

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