
Friday, April 12, 2013

Spring Awakening

Jaron Barney embraces Jackie Jensen and Dylan MacDonald while Bob Nelson and Sarah Shippobotham look on.

Tonight Brian and I went to see a production of Spring Awakening at the University of Utah's Babcock Theater.  If you've never heard of it, shame on you because it's brilliant!  It's my favorite musical.  I sing the songs in the shower probably every day.  Don't judge.  If you knew the music, then you would know why I obsess.  It's incredibly lyrical and haunting and just plain fantastic.

Based on a banned novel written in 1891, Spring Awakening is about sexual awakening amongst young people in a provincial German town.  The book was banned because of its depictions of teenage sexuality, masturbation, rape, sexual abuse, homosexuality... you name it.  Anyway, the show is tragic and yet reaffirming all at the same time.  I just love it.

My favorite songs are "Touch Me" and "Don't Do Sadness," but really they are all amazing.  Brian cries every time he hears "The Song of Purple Summer." Tonight was no exception to that rule.  The cast did the show justice, especially leads Jaron Barney, Jackie Jensen and Dylan MacDonald.  For those who live in the area, I suggest going!

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