
Friday, March 15, 2013

Disney Magic

So... I made a goal of blogging at least five minutes a day and true to Jack fashion have not followed through. I am not a follow-througher. Follow-througher? Apparently I can't keep my resolutions but I am one hell of a word-maker-upper.

I'm also a good excuse-comer-upper because I blame the lack of blogging on our trip to Disneyland. I was busy flying through space and saving princesses and meeting talking tow trucks. So blogging? Ain't nobody got time for that!

So here we are driving back home from our trip... Some place called Primm, Nevada. We need to pee. And blogging from a gas station urinal gives me the perfect opportunity to reflect on this crazy trip. It was four days packed full of Disney magic: rides, shows, fireworks, a tiki room full of singing birds and great pineapple floats. Oh, and let's not forget the Monte Cristo sandwich and pommes frites. We got them two different times.

But unfortunately our sore feet, empty wallets and overstuffed bellies weren't the only casualties. Some nerves were frayed, some relationships tested and we learned that magic doesn't come from a mere flick of a wand. Sometimes magic has to be fought for and worked on and seen through to the end... but if you're willing to put in the effort, the magic really is worth it.

So I need to stop this not-following-through thing and make some magic in my life! In school, in work, in love... Otherwise, it'll all go down the toilet.

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