
Friday, June 1, 2012

Goodbye May, Hello June

May was a pretty decent month.  The best part of it was that I wasn't in school!  I almost took a Spanish course over the summer, but I was unable to obtain summer financial aid and the class would have cost me $1000 out of pocket.  No thank you.  So instead I'm just working and when I'm home I have time to clean the apartment, hang out with Brian and work on personal projects.

Apart from working on the upcoming Chihuahua Comics (the first month and a half are already scheduled to post), I've been doing some writing.  At first I was combing over the first draft of Jacky Boy and improving upon it, but it wasn't really working for me.  So then I decided to start completely over and I'm enjoying this version a lot better.  It's the same story, but I'm approaching it in a different way.  I thought my first draft said too much at the beginning, so I'm withholding more information to be more mysterious.  It's been fun to do.

Here are some other highlights from May:
  • We threw a Cinco de Mayo Party at the beginning of the month and invited a random grab bag of people.  Some friends from my old Cinemark job, some Zales coworkers, Brian's family, and an old mission companion came over to eat shrimp tacos and converse with one another.  It was pretty low-key, but it was fun.
  • My friend Wes came home from school and we caught a movie and had some lunch.  We even looked at some scooters because he's thinking of buying one.  I'm starting to wonder if I should get a scooter... or a car... or hell, a broomstick even if it will fly me to work!  Brian's sister Amy just got a new car and I'm jealous.  Sometimes relying on the bus or organizing rides with coworkers gets annoying.
  • Mother's Day was enjoyable.  I called and spoke with my mom and my stepmom, which was lovely, and then we had dinner at Brian's parents' house.  Brian's mom loved all her gifts, including The Help on DVD which we all watched with her.
  • Brian and I had a particularly enjoyable date night.  He wanted to surprise me so I didn't know what we were doing.  He took us to Macaroni Grill and then we went to paint pottery at Color Me Mine!  It was so fun!  Brian painted a sundae dish and I painted a mug.  They both turned out really great.  However, I must say that dating these days is really expensive.  Between dinner and the pottery, we spent $100 on one night out!
  • Jenny's sister just had a birthday and closed on her new house around the same time.  Congrats!  May brought other moves as well.  My brother moved into an apartment with his girlfriend, which is a big step for them.  Now that they have an empty nest, my dad and stepmom moved into a new apartment as well.
  • My sister found out the baby is going to be a girl.  She's naming her Amaya!
  • Brian started taking art classes on Wednesday nights with a friend of his named Renae Bonsteel.  He's really been enjoying them.  One night after his lesson, Renae and her sister Candace came over to watch Spirited Away.  Brian popped some Parmesan and black pepper popcorn and it was a lot of fun.  Renae had once been to Japan so she had a lot of insight into the movie.
  • Speaking of Japan, Brian has been obsessed with Japanese cuisine lately.  He's been poring over a Japanese cookbook and watching this crazy internet cooking show called Cooking With Dog.  A new Asian Market opened up in Provo recently and Brian spent a sizable portion of our grocery budget there!
  • May didn't come without its share of drama.  My friend Michelle and I had a falling out and are no longer on speaking terms.  Brian's family is going through some stuff as well.  And at work, I missed my monthly sales goal by a measly $65 or so.  I was so close!!  Oh well...
Now I'm ready for June, which is Gay Pride Month!  To start it off, Brian and I are going to Salt Lake City's Pride Festival tomorrow with our friends Wes and Brett.  I'm hoping for a fun weekend.

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