
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

All Men Can Be Heroes

Brian brought a YouTube video to my attention the other day.  It features a British soldier returning from war.  Amidst the crowd he sees his male lover and the two embrace after such a long time apart.  The soldier gets down on his knee and proposes to the man, who happily accepts.  The two kiss and the words "All men can be heroes" appear on the screen.  It is a beautiful thing, and I hope you take the time to watch the video.

This sort of thing really does happen in real life.  On April 24th, a Navy veteran named Cory Huston proposed to his boyfriend, Marine Avarice Guerero (dressed in full uniform after returning from Afghanistan), at Camp Pendleton outside of Oceanside, California.  It's supposedly the first ever gay proposal to occur on a military base.  And in case you're wondering, Guerero said "yes."

So if you don't think gay men can be heroes, I think you should pay attention to what Captain America himself has to say about it:

“Are you kidding me? It’s insane that civil rights are being denied people in this day and age. It’s embarrassing, and it’s heartbreaking. It goes without saying that I’m completely in support of gay marriage. In 10 years we’ll be ashamed that this was an issue.” 
- Chris Evans (Captain America) in Playboy Magazine

1 comment:

  1. I think we forget that people who are gay are still people. Everyone claims that being different is good, but with gay people they are just so extremely different from what most people are used to that it scares and confuses everyone. I'm with captain America on thus one. People who are gay are still people and deserve the same rights. And anyone can be a hero, no matter who they are.

    Anyway, sorry for the ling comment. Thanks for sharing the video.
