
Saturday, March 31, 2012

March Optimism Challenge: Day 31

What am I optimistic for?  March being over so I don't have to be optimistic anymore!  Woohoo!

Just kidding.  It's been a fun month focusing on the good every day.  Here are the final three:

1.  Tori finished making the new covers for our throw pillows.  They look so good!  I am very grateful for all of her hard work.  Seriously, Tori, if you're reading this (which I doubt), THANK YOU!

Our new throw pillows!
2.  Brian's mom is very talented when it comes to scouting out good deals.  She is the queen of bargain shopping.  She called to let us know that Shopko had a really good deal on a Dirt Devil vacuum, so Brian and I went and got one.  Now we don't have to borrow hers anymore.  Now that I think of it, I bet that's why she went to all the trouble of finding us a cheap vacuum...

Speaking of Brian's mom, she also returned a suit she had bought Brian a while back and got store credit for it.  She gave us the gift card so we used it to buy Brian some new cookware!  He couldn't be happier.

3.  Michelle, Karrie, Anna, Brian and I went to a dance downtown sponsored by Aveda (the school Michelle goes to).  Being the last day of Earth Month, the dance was to raise money for Western Water Resources... oh, and it was fun!

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