
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March Optimism Challenge: Day 21

1.  Brett was kind enough to join me for lunch today.  We originally planned to go to Red Robin but it was jam-packed with hungry hungry hippos.  So instead of waiting forever, we went across to Wingers instead.  It was pretty much a ghost town in there.  I feel kind of bad for the place.  Oh well.  Brett and I enjoyed our meal, even if he spent most of the time counting calories.

2.  Tomorrow is our pre-owned diamond event at Zales and the man running it stopped by to drop off the jewelry.  Jen and I got some cases cleared out to house the new (old) merchandise, cleaned up the store, and are now ready for tomorrow's big day.  I am optimistic that we will sell lots!

3.  Brian's started proofreading what's done of the second draft of my book Jacky Boy and he's really marking it up good!  I was a little annoyed at first, but I know he means well and his suggestions will only help to improve what I've written.  Oh, and today I've come up with a really interesting back story for one of the characters.  A lot of changes are happening plot-wise in this draft.  A LOT.

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