
Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentine's Day!

Today is the day we all celebrate love, so I thought I'd share a sonnet I wrote for my Creative Writing class entitled "Butterfly" which is all about the night Brian and I first met.  Three years later, he still gives me butterflies.

This poem is dedicated to you, Brian.  I love you.

Jack Garcia
His sneakers echo in the empty mall.
Only the theater is open now.
Part of him chickens out. He thinks to call
it off,  but at this point isn’t sure how.

He rides the escalator up a floor
and sees him leaning against the railing.
At least he thinks so; they’ve not met before.
Again he considers leaving.  Bailing.

But the other man turns and sees him there.
He smiles.  The first man, nervous still, smiles too.
And like small children playing Truth or Dare,
they speak honestly and face something new.

That first date led to another, and soon
the butterfly emerged from the cocoon.

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