
Friday, November 4, 2011


Did you know that November is National Novel Writing Month?  It's also National Peanut Butter Lover's Month but that's beside the point.  Although there's nothing better than typing away at the computer with a great big jar of peanut butter and a spoon by your side.  Ah, the sticky sweet taste of literary abandon!

Since it's November and I am indeed wishing to write a novel, I decided that I would participate in NaNoWriMo which is an organization that helps motivate young authors to write a 50,000 word first-draft of their novel by the end of the month.  There are different forums and online pep talks to help connect us and keep us going strong!  There's also a really handy feature that allows me to track my progress, letting me know how many words a day I need to write to hit my goal.  I can even have fellow writers read and critique what I've written!

So since I'll be so busy with work and school and novel-writing, I don't know how often I'll get to blog.  Perhaps I'll share little teaser bits of the story I'm working on, like this:

Summer’s stay is always fleeting, and soon the leaves die out in a blaze of colorful glory, leaving the trees naked and bare.  The passionate heat of the warmer months had warmed Jill up from the inside out, opening her eyes to life’s possibilities.  Radiant beams of light had penetrated deep within.  Her cheeks had been flushed; her body soaked with sweat.  The sun had done more than warm her.

It burned.
Wish me luck on this endeavor!  I'll need all the support I can get...

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