
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving Brian and I went with his family to their Aunt Deb's house after lounging around in the morning watching The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on NBC.  We got to Aunt Deb's around one in the afternoon and soon found ourselves tucking in to a very yummy feast.  All of the requirements were there:  turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, rolls, green bean casserole and lots and lots of pie.  Unexpectedly there were sopapillas on the menu, which made me happy, and also some scrumptious little "acorns" which were really just bite-sized Nutter Butter cookies fused with Hershey's Kisses...  so good!

Anyway, this holiday is about more than food.  It's about gratitude as well.  There are many things that I am grateful for in my life.   To name a few:
  • Brian.  He and I have been together for three years now and they have been the greatest three years of my life.  I consider myself very blessed to have found my true love and partner in life.  I hope that he feels the same!
  • My family, even though I never get to see them!  I'm also grateful that Brian's family has so lovingly accepted me into their lives as well.  They are truly great people... and that includes all of his extended family!
  • My friends, especially Michelle, who cheer me up and support me in so many ways!  I really appreciate all the movies and dinners and long conversations that we share.
  • I'm thankful to have a job, especially in this rough economy.  I'm also thankful for Brian's job and the fact that he just got a raise!  Woohoo!  Seriously though, our money situation is getting better and that is awesome.
  • I'm thankful for the opportunity to go back to school and for grants and loans that helps me to do it!  I'm thankful for my professors and classmates who teach me new things all the time and I'm really grateful that I'm not failing!
  • Delicious food!  Oh, how I love it!
  • Time to write... although sometimes it's a struggle finding it.
  • The chance to live every single day and experience all that life has to offer!
I hope everyone has a terrific Turkey Day!

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