
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

25 Days of Jack: Day Twenty-One

Patrick from Logan, Utah was the winner of yesterday's giveaway.  He suggested that Brian and I spend a day eating animal crackers and fruit roll-ups while coloring in coloring books.  The idea was to return to our youth and shrug off the worries of adulthood.  A very enticing idea indeed, but we were plum out of kiddie snacks and crayons... so we just watched a movie instead.  Some other day though.  Some day.

The rest of my day was spent helping Michelle and Wes prep for today's Glee Party, and yes, you heard me correctly.  With my Glee obsession it would hardly seem natural for my 25 Days of Jack to neglect my gleekiness.  We are going to watch old episodes, make Glee t-shirts, eat lots of food and see the Glee 3D Concert Movie.  It's going to be such a fun party!

I will add, however, that planning parties is less fun.  Lots of crazy sh** goes down and friendships are tested!

Do you know what else will test a friendship?  Coming out of the closet!  Luckily, I'm still on really friendly terms with quite a few people from my mission.  Those in the photo included.  Except for that little girl.  I don't even know who she is...

As I'm sure you've guessed these are photos from my 20th birthday while on my mission in Chile.  This particular birthday was spent in the pueblito of San Clemente and I was spoiled rotten!  Right after church I was treated to that delicious torta de mil hojas (which you can see I'm about to devour, smiling like a crazed fool) by female members of the Jovenes Adultos Solteros (seen in the other photograph posing like the modelas they really are).

After church my companion, Elder Medina, and I went to lunch where another delicious cake was waiting.  You can imagine how full I was getting by this point.  Later we went to a member's house to give a blessing, because we had been told that her little brother was sick.  Turns out it was all a ruse to get us to come over where I was surprised with my third birthday cake of the day!  I was overcome with emotion... or was that vomit?


  1. those pic brought back good memories!. the little girl is Alejandra Mendez daughter Antonia, anyways, I think i'm going to copy your idea of celebrating my birthday like for almost a month.
    I still think you should go eat some chilean food.

  2. Glad you liked the photos! And thanks for reminding me who the little girl is! Ja Ja! Oh, I keep meaning to go eat some Chilean food with some old missionary buddies but we never seem to find a time that works for everyone!

  3. Yeah i know how that is. I hope you can keep enjoying your birthday celebration.
