
Thursday, August 11, 2011

25 Days of Jack: Day Sixteen

Sure my legs might be a little cramped, my butt is sweaty, and I'm wedged into this car with crazy people, but I really am grateful to be on my way to California!  The last time Brian and I drove to California it was snowing... so this trip is already so much better.  We're also headed toward the magic and fun of Disneyland, and not a roach-infested life of poverty like the last time.

We are on vacation!  Yay!

You'll probably have to wait until we get back home for a full update on all our fun happenings, but I'll try to update my Facebook status and Twitter tweets regularly if you are really that curious.

Yesterday's Day Fifteen was a terrific day.  My Uncle Guy and Aunt Laine were in town on a family vacation and Brian and I were able to spend an afternoon with them.  I hadn't seen my cousins in a really long time... actually, some of their younger ones I had never met at all!  They range from age 14 to 1 starting with Ethan then Adam, Ellie, Tessa and Jonah.  We met up on BYU campus and had a late lunch before exploring the Museum of Art.  Aunt Laine was once an art student at BYU, so she was a very insightful and enthusiastic museum companion.  I hope it doesn't take another eight years to see them again!

After we parted ways, Brian and I met up with our friend Michelle to see the new movie The Help.  It was terrific!  Michelle is going to miss us so much while we are gone that she gave us a goodbye present!  She wrapped up a bunch of our favorite treats in a homemade Mickey-themed gift bag, complete with a card that reads:  "Happy Days 16-19!"

Anyway, here are photos from my 7th and 8th birthdays.  I really like the one with my brother Daniel alongside me.  Wasn't he adorable?

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