
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

25 Days of Jack: Day Fourteen

I celebrated yesterday by watching Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo with Brian.  I need to add it to my 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die page.  Such a mysterious and suspenseful movie!

The rest of my day was spent at work, which actually wasn't that bad.  There were two good things about it:  One, I was sent home at 10:30 instead of midnight, which means I didn't have to close.  And two, it was my last day before my vacation!

Yes, I said vacation.  I'm actually going on a vacation!  Brian's family and I are going to Disneyland this weekend.  We leave Thursday morning and should be back Sunday night.  We are driving there, which means most of the trip will be driving with only two days spent at the park.  I guess it's not a very long vacation, but it's a vacation nonetheless!

Today I decided to give another opportunity at winning a Joaquin the Chihuahua button.  The first 5 people to simply email me (at their name and address with the subject "I WANT A BUTTON!" will get one mailed to them!  It's as easy as that!

Now check out these pictures from my 3rd and 4th birthdays...

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