
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Wizard Week: Four More Online Clips!

Tonight on CNN I watched Harry Potter: The Final Chapter hosted by Larry King.  It featured an exclusive clip of Harry talking to Griphook about the Sword of Gryffindor and the possibility of breaking into Gringotts.  I tried to find the clip online to post here but I couldn't find it!  Sorry guys.

Apart from the ten online clips I posted earlier, I did manage to find four more!
  • Clip One:  Draco and his cronies confront Harry in the Room of Requirement (0:51).
  • Clip Two:  Voldemort hits Harry with the Killing Curse in the forest (0:29).
  • Clip Three:  Ron and Hermione destroy a horcrux in the Chamber of Secrets (1:16).
  • Clip Four:  The Trio encounter the Gemini Curse inside of Bellatrix's vault (0:49).

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