
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Popcorn Poetry 3: Day Five and Jack's Shack

I might have to make this a more regular feature (which just means I come up with a logo for it, ha ha) because there is a lot of poem-writing going on at Cinemark.  Seriously, I don't know what's wrong with all of us but we seem to enjoy making things rhyme.  Here is a poem Michelle wrote me today:

Day Five
by Michelle Stokes

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm at work,
And I feel like poo,
But it's not about me,
This poem is for you,
So Happy Day Five,

Aw, isn't that a sweet poem?  About a week ago another coworker of mine named Beka wrote me a poem on the back of a One Day promotional postcard.  I thought it would be fun to share it as well.

Jack's Shack
by Rebekah Barker

Jack's got ma back
He lives in a shack
And makes the girls go smack
He dreams he was black
But he's too cool for that

My favorite part is the "amen" at the end.  Classy.

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