
Friday, May 13, 2011

Chihuahua Comics: Buttered Popcorn

Wow!  That large tub of popcorn sure has an attitude today, doesn't he?  Gee!  But he does have a point though.  That ridiculously large container of popcorn is unhealthy enough as it is... you really really don't need to be adding that "butter" to it. 

I mean, at least share that giant popcorn tub!  You're not?  Oh, now you're getting one equally big for every one of your children.  Two for Big Bubba.  Yes, he clearly needs two of them... he does take up two seats.  That's logical I guess.  What is that you say?  Yes, I'll put extra "butter" on... no worries.  And some extra salt?  No problem.  In fact, we have a tub of lard in the back if you want to just smear that on top...


  1. Actually, lard is better for you than the reprocessed butter substitute product that they use in movie theaters (at least, the one they used when my bro worked at the movies). Not to mention how old the "butter" is, and how long they store it for...

  2. I'm sure you are right about the lard being healthier! Ha ha... but I'm pretty sure our "butter" isn't stored for too long... we go through so much of it that I can't imagine a box could sit around long enough to be considered old.
