
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Veronica's Valentine

My mother, being the sweet soul that she is, sent me a valentine saying, "This too shall pass!  Hang in there, I know things will straighten out soon.  Remember you are loved dearly."

My dad, being a religious man, sent me a valentine saying, "Jesus' love is unfathomable, bigger than we can ever imagine, and I wonder how many of us love others with such a love.  On this day when we celebrate romantic love, I just wanted to share with you the love of one who loves us more than we can ever imagine.  I love you, Jack.  Be blessed!"

Brian's family, equally as wonderful as mine, sent us a valentine saying, "We all love you and miss you a lot.  Hope you have a great Valentine's Day!"

We love our families very much, but the greatest valentine we've ever received didn't come from any of them.  It came from our dearest and most missed friend back home.  The headless, armless, legless statue Veronica!  Look at that sexy vixen!

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