
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Space

I have some exciting news to report on Brian's quest to make it big in Hollywood!  He has found himself an acting teacher... and a good one at that.  Her name is Marjorie Ballentine and she has taught some awesome actors, including none other than Gary Oldman (aka Sirius Black for you Potter nerds out there).  On her site, Oldman is quoted saying, “Marjorie has helped me enormously … renewed in me a passion for the work. She’s honest, wise, insightful, and caring – and the closest thing to Adler out there.”  He's referring to the late Stella Adler, of course, the famous stage actress who introduced America to the Konstantin Stanislavski method of acting.

Brian went to his first class on Monday at a place called "The Space," just as an observer, and he liked what he saw. "I was itching to act," he said, "to start working as an actor."  I hope she can help him scratch that itch!  They spoke at the break, and all the details of payment and whatnot were hammered out.  He's supposed to have a monologue ready for class next week.  He's been working on one from a play called The Author's Voice and he sounds amazing!  She also challenged the class to read some Arthur Miller plays so Brian and I did some reading at a Barnes & Noble today.  I started reading After the Fall and he began with Death of a Salesman.  We'll switch when we are done.

It was also great for Brian to meet some fellow actors.  He ran into a guy who said that he recognized Brian.  Surprising since we just moved here!  But after talking a bit it was revealed that the guy was from Utah, and both he and Brian had auditioned for the same role once at the Egyptian Theater in Park City.  The other kid got the part, but he remembered Brian's audition and the fact that Brian had played Tobias in Sweeney Todd at the same theater.  Pretty cool coincidence, huh?

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