
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Application Essay

I suppose it is a bit embarrassing that it has taken me twenty-four years to figure out what it is I want to do with my life.  Most people my age are done with college already; working in their dream jobs.  Yet what is my dream job? What are my career goals?  A few summers ago I got a taste of what those goals might be.  On a lazy day with nothing to do I discovered that if I drew a series of drawings, each one just slightly different than the last, and strung them all together on the computer it created something crudely resembling the animation I saw in the movies.  I had always enjoyed drawing, but somehow using images to tell a story in such a visual and kinetic way ignited a new fire within me.  Over time as I continued to venture into new projects and gain attention here and there, the light bulb flickered on.  I didn’t want this to be a hobby on the side of my boring “real” job.  I wanted to be an animator!  Maybe someday open my own little indie animation studio.

So with a dream finally realized, I’m ready to pursue higher education in the field.  And that’s where The Art Institute of California - Hollywood comes into play.  With the high quality of instruction, connections with the animation and film industries in the area, and innovative technologies and programs I have no doubt that I will be sufficiently prepared for an exciting new career doing what I love.  The passion for the art of animation is alive within me, but what I lack is knowledge of the sophisticated tools and disciplines that professional animators command with ease.  I hope to learn the tricks of the trade to elevate my current style of animation to one that is more commercial-ready.

While attending The Art Institute of California - Hollywood I plan on fully immersing myself in the school experience in order to be successful.  I will dedicate the time necessary to complete all assignments given to me, both in class and out of class.  I will participate in group discussions and be open to criticism in the hopes of personal growth.  I plan on learning as much as I can from not only the instructors but also my fellow students.  Hopefully I can make strong friendships with those who share my same interests, and thus build a network of animation connections to help me throughout my career.  I know that with the school’s outstanding program coupled with my own personal commitment and drive, I will successfully achieve my goals and work for years to come in a career that I am passionate about.

This was the application essay I submitted this past weekend to The Art Institute of California - Hollywood.  I'm really enjoying the fact that it's getting a second use here on my blog.  : )  And by the way, I start going part-time in April. 


  1. I am so proud of you! Congrats!!

  2. yay yay yay!!!!! im so happy jack (((: it was a really good essay btw. you're going to reach your dreams Jack! and im so excited for when you do (:
