
Monday, January 3, 2011

Our Drive to California: The Good Part

Yesterday morning Brian and I awoke at the ungodly hour of five in the morning.  We showered.  We gathered our things.  We said our sleepy goodbyes and we were on the road by six.  Our plan was to get to Las Vegas by noon to look around a little and to have lunch at Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill at Caesar's Palace.

The drive to Las Vegas was pleasant.  We listened to music, read a chapter of Son of a Witch, and played "I've Never" to keep ourselves entertained.  The drive was a little shorter than we expected and with the time change we ended up in Las Vegas at eleven o'clock.  Plenty of time to play!

I gambled for the first time in my life.  I put a dollar in a slot machine and said "yippee" as I pulled down the doohickey.  I lost my dollar.  I was sad.  Brian tried to play another game, that was way too confusing for both of our minds put together, so we decided that gambling was dumb.  Attention all gamblers in Las Vegas:  YOU ARE DUMB!

We also watched a short 3D movie at the M&M store, saw the live lions at MGM, enjoyed the water show at the Bellagio, checked out the Cher store, explored H&M, and just gawked at the sights, sounds, and people in Las Vegas.  The best part of the day (and the real reason we stopped there at all) was our lunch at Mesa Grill.

You have to know that Brian is obsessed with the Food Network -- and his obsession has rubbed off on me-- so eating at Bobby Flay's restaurant was a big deal.  If you've never been, you should go.  We both ordered the New Mexican Spiced Pork Tenderloin Sandwich and it was delicious!  The pork sandwich was cold and not hot, which was unexpected but very good.  It was served on a Ciabatta roll, spread with Adobo mayonnaise with a pile of arugula and grilled red onions.  The pork was perfectly tender and had a sweet dry rub of coffee and spices that created a lot of depth of flavor.  The sandwich was accompanied by some amazing fries, drenched in Latin spices and fresh parsley.

And do you know what?  It wasn't even that expensive.  Brian and I spent about the same amount at Olive Garden a few days ago, and I can assure you that the food quality at Mesa Grill is far superior.  So next time you are in Vegas, go to Mesa Grill!  Go there!  Eat!

1 comment:

  1. I've got to say, I feel the exact same way about the slot machine. I used to go to Vegas all the time from college (from both colleges--they were equal distances away, and I have family there). When I turned 21, I put my money in and waited for the thrill. Yeah. Dumb is a great word for it.
