
Friday, January 21, 2011

Movies of 2002: My Fave Five

5.  A Walk to Remember
A cheesy choice, right?  I’m aware.  But this movie is so adorable and I just love Mandy Moore.
4.  About a Boy
Every time I hear the song “Killing Me Softly” I think of this movie and that odd little boy singing it.  Always.
3.  Orange County
This movie is so funny!  I just love the guy’s dysfunctional family, including the drug-addicted Jack Black.  Oh my goodness, do you remember when he burns down the college and then runs away in his underwear?  Ha ha ha ha ha.
2.  Catch Me If You Can
The thrill of the chase is so exciting in this film, from beginning to end.  And I just love the idea of stepping into another life, pretending to be a pilot or a doctor or whatever you want to be that day.  Instead I’m just sitting here.  Blogging.
1.  Chicago
A brilliant movie musical.  The concept, the staging, the music, everything.  And what about that superstar cast!?  Phenomenal!  I can watch it again and again.
Honorable Mentions:  Lilo & Stitch, Bang Bang You’re Dead, Minority Report

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