
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wizard Week: Emma Watson's "Marie Claire" Interview

Marie Claire is featuring my Emma Watson and in the interview she talks about many things including her time at Brown University.  The article tells a pretty funny little story, that highlights Emma's similarities to her character Hermione:
In one class, the professor asked students a question, and Watson raised her hand. Just like the fiercely smart, overachieving, always-right Hermione, Watson gave the correct answer.

From the back of the room, one of her classmates called out, "Score 20 points for Gryffindor!"
Even as a young 7-year-old girl reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for the first time, she felt a connection to Hermione's character.
"Playing Hermione just came so naturally; I had a real affinity for her," she said. "I felt like I knew exactly who she was. Like me, she's very loyal and determined, she's very intelligent, and she has a lot of guy friends, as I do. Her eagerness to please and to have the right answer is definitely like me. I'm a perfectionist, so my bossiness definitely comes out."
 But what was it like playing Hermione all her life?
"It wasn't like I made one movie; it was working consistently for 10 years. There was no reprieve," Watson said. "But I'm glad I saw it through to the end; I played that character from the start, and I wanted to finish what I started. It felt very satisfying that I had completed Hermione's journey." 

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