
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lunch With Carr and Anderson

I guess "lunch" is sort of a loose term.  It was about 3:30 in the afternoon when we managed to all get together.  It was too early to be considered "dinner" in my opinion, and the fact that it was the first thing I'd eaten all day could even qualify it as "breakfast."  I guess I should rename this article to "Generic Meal With Carr and Anderson" but that just sounds strange.

So who are Carr and Anderson?  Old mission buddies of course!  I know, it sounds a little odd for me to be hanging out with old missionaries, but these guys are really cool.  Sam Carr (or Elder Carr as I knew him) was my companion in the Missionary Training Center before we ever departed to Chile.  He was there for me while I was struggling with Spanish...  which means he had to hear me whine and complain every other day.  He was great though, and was ever-ready to give me a boost of confidence that things would all work out in the end.

Zach Anderson (who I also knew as Elder but is really named Richard) was a missionary who was never my actual companion but was often in my district or zone.  In fact, there was a time in Talca when I had written a play called Arboleda (meaning "grove") and the whole zone participated.  Anderson played Angel Moroni if I'm not mistaken and he was spectacular.  He was all dressed in white robes and he stood on a chair that some missionaries pushed forward when it was time for him to speak from the heavens (I insisted on only the highest quality of production standards with my show).

Anderson lives here in Salt Lake City, but we only ever communicate through Facebook.  So it was nice to see him in person for a little bit.  What brought us together today was Carr who lives in California but was here with some friends for a wedding.  Anderson and I are the only missionaries he really talks to so he wanted us to get together.  We met up at Rumbi's at the Gateway and had some quick, yummy food while catching up.

I brought Brian with me, so they both got to meet him.  We talked a little about our jobs and our future plans to move to California.  Carr was able to give us some advice since he lives there, and both he and Anderson talked mostly about school wrapping up and the jobs they have lined up when they are done.  Anderson also talked about his super-intense workout program which made me feel like a lazy fatty.  Oh well.  Then we talked a little bit about post-mission life, which was interesting since none of us identify with the LDS Church anymore.

The lunch/dinner-date was cut short since Brian had to get to work, but it was still a lot of fun.  I'm glad we made time in our day to get together and catch up a little.

Oh, and do you like how I casually let slip that we're moving to California?  Yep, we are.  More about that in a future post...

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