
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jack Day Part Two

You can never have too much of a good thing.  At least that's what I think.  So if you love celebrating Jack Day on August 20th, why not celebrate again on the 23rd?  Really, you could celebrate every day of the month if you'd like.  Or even all year.  I won't hold you back.

On Monday the 23rd, some of my friends who were not at my Friday night birthday party joined Brian and me for a birthday dinner at Biaggi's.  You see, since starting his new job, Brian now works Tuesday through Saturday from 3:30 PM to midnight.  So we had to celebrate my birthday together on either Sunday or Monday.  Sunday night I had to work until 11:00 PM, so we were left with Monday.

We invited our roommates Mesun and Ryan, our friend Kelsey and her husband Robert, and our friends Tori and Katie.  The eight of us had a special room in the back and it was a lot of fun.  Dinner was delicious.  I got the Butternut Squash Ravioli and Brian ordered Carpaccio.  I had never had Carpaccio (although when we're playing Sims my character makes it quite often) so I had a bite of Brian's.  It tasted a lot better than I thought it would, but I don't think I would order it for myself.  If you don't know, Carpaccio is thin slices of raw beef.  Brian seemed to really enjoy it, and our friend Kelsey ordered it as well.

Tori and Katie gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and Kelsey and her husband gave me a Build-A-Bear named Beary Potter!  They drew on a scar with black marker, and he has  glasses and a red shirt.  Totally adorable.  Oh, Brian was mad that I didn't mention in my first birthday post that he gave me a Glee CD and promises to get me the first season on DVD when it comes out in September.  So now you know.  He can be happy.

Or not.  Now he's mad that I'm blogging and not eating lunch.  Sigh.  I can never win with this kid, can I?

Kelsey and Robert.  Doesn't Kelsey look stunning with that veil on?
Our roomies, Ryan and Mesun!  They are so fun to live with!
Tori and Katie!  Aren't they just lovely?

Here I am with Brian!  He's such a cutie face!
And introducing... BEARY POTTER!

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