
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day/ Movie Review: 'Toy Story 3'

Working in retail does not allow you to enjoy any holidays.  Just like I worked on Mother's Day, I worked Sunday on Father's Day as well.  I thought maybe we'd be able to do lunch with Brian's family or something, because I didn't need to go into work until 3... but Brian worked at noon, so a trip down to Orem just wasn't feasible.

I had texted a "Happy Father's Day" to my father that afternoon, and asked him if it would be okay to call at 9:00 PM when I got off from work.  He said it would be fine.  Well, like I said, the exciting world of retail ruins every holiday and I didn't get home until 11:30 that night... much too late to call my dad.

Basically Brian and I did not see or talk to any fathers on Father's Day.

I talked to my dad the next day and explained what had happened with work.  Luckily I had mailed a Father's Day card a few days before, so he wasn't completely neglected.  Brian had Monday off, and I worked in the early morning until 11:00 only, so we were able to drive to Orem yesterday.  We got together with his whole family (except for Courtney who left for EFY) and saw Toy Story 3 in 3D as a family!

Toy Story 3 movie poster, image property of Disney and Pixar.

Toy Story 3 AWESOME!

Now, as I've mentioned before, I've seen the first part of this movie months ago at a special cliff-hanger screening, so I was very, very excited to finally see how it would end!!  I had read a review on the MSN homepage that loved it, and its rating on was currently at a 98%, so I figured the ending had to be just as good as the part we had watched.  And boy was it!  Not only did I find the whole first half funnier even than the first time, but the new-to-me part of the story--the conclusion--was epic and powerful and downright flawless!

Toy Story 3 is a brilliant beyond brilliant film.  I don't know how Pixar manages to do it again and again and again... but they do.  A film critic by the name of Eric D. Snider said it best, "Toy Story 3 is the greatest thing in the history of ever."

All I can say is, go see it!  If you need more convincing, read Brian's review of it for Salt Lake City Examiner.

Love movies?  Check out my Movie Page!


  1. See I read your blog!! (this is Mackenzie btw I miss you)

  2. Mackenzie! I don't believe it! I miss you too. You were a lot of fun.
