
Friday, May 21, 2010

Music Videos

So many things have been going on here that I haven't had any time to attend to my blogs.  Neither of them.  I know some people are pretty upset that the Veronica and Friends comics have stopped, and I haven't posted on this blog since Mother's Day.  There is a reason for my negligence, I promise!

You see, a little over a week ago I was contacted by Jeff Levin of Puretone Music (Atlantic Records) who is the manager of a start-up group called He Is We.  He had seen some of my animation online, and through youtube he messaged me with a business proposition.  I of course agreed to the work, and now I've been devoting every spare minute outside of my job to the completion of this music video.  I'm excited to say that it's almost done and looking fantastic!  I think it's my best video yet.

The best part of the news?  He's going to get me more work.  There are already a few projects lined up as soon as this one is completed, and with the help of his business manager, I'm on my way to becoming Jack Garcia, LLC with my own website and everything.  He hopes that within the next 6 months I'll be making 2 grand per video with my work airing on MTV and such! 

So if you're ticked off that I haven't been blogging as of late... get over it.  I'm a little busy at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I'm sooo happy for you Jack!!!! Congrats!!! That is so awesome!!!! I told you I'd be able to say "I knew Jack when..." and it's starting to come true!!! **muah**
