
Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The Date: March 15, 2010
The Time: 7:45 AM
The Location: Marriott Hotel, Salt Lake City

Brian sings "Not While I'm Around" from Sweeney Todd--channeling his deep love for me, of course--to an auditor from The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA).  As the last note comes ringing out of him, there is silence before the woman says, "That...was...amazing.  You could really feel your connection to the song."

The two make small talk for a while, and bolstered by her praise, he's more than confident for the interview portion to follow.  He sits with another woman, and tells her how much he would love to be in New York and how he wants more than anything to be an actor and go to work doing something that he's passionate about.  "Well you are going to love AMDA, it's perfect for you," she says reassuringly.

Brian feels very good about the impression he made, and optimistic that he'll get in.  Life is all sunshine and rainbows!

The Date: April 19, 2010
The Time: 4:45 PM
The Location: Brian's car, on his way to work

Over a month and still no word from AMDA.  He's unhappy with his job and where his life is headed, and is starting to feel like he's not going to be accepted.  Just before getting in his car, he swung by the mail room to see if there's a letter.  There is none.  "It's okay, honey," I say to him on the phone, "We'll check the mail again tomorrow."

He ends the call and focuses on the road again.  A million things rush through his mind, none of them good, until he finds himself punching buttons on his phone again, this time calling the school.

"Hello, this is Brian Kesler.  I was just wondering if you'd ever gotten my transcript."

"Kesler, you said?  Kesler, Kesler, Yes, it looks like we have everything we need from you..."


"...and it looks like a decision has been made.  Let me transfer you to someone who'll know more about that."

"Okay.  Oh, hey, my name's Brian Kesler and I was wondering if I'd been accepted or not."

"Good news, Mr. Kesler, you have been accepted.  Congratulations.  Your acceptance packet has been mailed and it should get to you within the next week.  It'll talk more about your scholarship, too."

"Scholarship?  I got a scholarship?"

As soon as the call ended he was calling me back.  Our roommate Mesun had just gotten home so she was sitting right by me when I got the good news.  We were both ecstatic.  Brian tried to play it cool, like he wasn't secretly jumping for joy like a giddy schoolgirl.  However, I happen to know that Brian climbed onto the roof of the movie theater where he works and sang "A Dream is A Wish Your Heart Makes" at the top of his lungs that night.  Life really is all sunshine and rainbows...

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